Will you join us in Growing Good?

The Growing Good Toolkit is a FREE six session course helping churches explore the connection between social action, discipleship and growth. Through six flexible, interactive small group sessions, we explore how our churches can be faithful and fruitful in our local communities.

Six Sessions


Being seen and known for doing good.


Being faithful in the long-term.


Building a culture of giving and receiving.


Being open to challenge and change.


Inviting everyone to be part of what’s going on.

Next Steps

Reflect on the practical next steps you might take.

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Advent resources from CUF

Use our prayer, reflection and fundraising resources to help build compassionate and welcoming communities.

From holding a community-themed service to organising a bake sale, you’ll be extending hospitality to strangers, and contributing to the needs of saints.

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Evaluation cover

Growing Good helps churches flourish

Our recent evaluation shows that the Growing Good Toolkit is helping churches grow in three key ways:

1. knowledge about their local community

2. confidence in their local mission

3. hospitality and relationships.

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NEW! Training Hub for group leaders

Our new Training Hub equips group leaders to feel confident choosing and using the Growing Good Toolkit. Learn about how the sessions are structured, find out how to prepare sessions and activities, and discover top tips from other churches.

Log in or sign up to view the Training Hub resources.

Training Hub
A group of women chatting in a church cafe, Wawne

A place to connect

The congregation of St Peter’s Church, Wawne, outside Hull, love where they live, and wanted to reach out to their community. A team of congregation members worked through CUF’s Growing Good course, which prompted them to consider needs in the village – including those that may not be obvious.

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St Barnabas Bristol

Building lasting relationships

Rev Clive Hamilton, vicar of St Barnabas’ Church in Knowle West, describes how the Growing Good Toolkit has helped the congregation to recognise they had persevered in being present to the local community through a difficult time.

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230216 St Pauls 036

Growing Good: Serving Hope

Kath is a lay leader and volunteer at St Paul’s Church in Staybridge. The Growing Good ‘Presence’ session helped them identify that they wanted to strengthen the church's relationship with some of the local schools, and particularly the local high school, which sits right behind the church.

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GG TLT video 1

Our experience of using the Growing Good Toolkit

In this short conversation between two church leaders from the diocese of Chester, they discuss how they have used the Growing Good resources to explore the links between social action, discipleship and growth. Both churches are part of the Transforming Lives Together network of parishes in Chester diocese whose joint aims are physical and spiritual transformation

Watch the video

Giving and receiving God's love

Revd Melanie Burnside is a curate in the Diocese of York, where she ministers to five rural churches. Growing Good helped Melanie’s church reconnect with the community after lockdown, which was particularly difficult in rural communities where lack of transport often prevents different people from coming together.

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Pastor Tim 1

Growing Good makes a difference

Tim Jones is a Pastor at Emmanuel Church, Brighton, part of the New Frontiers network. “Growing Good encouraged us to keep our love for the city visible throughout everything we’re doing with and for the community across different contexts."

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Sign up today to access the Growing Good Toolkit!
“Help support local churches who are Growing Good.”

Many local churches want to engage with social action, but need support and resources to get started. Please donate today to help equip more churches to grow in faithfulness and fruitfulness.