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The Growing Good Toolkit is a free course for churches, offering six sessions to help your congregation grow in faith and make a difference in your community.
During Lent and throughout the year, Growing Good helps churches reach out through loving service and social action, grow spiritually through discipleship, and invite everyone to be part of God’s work transforming work.
The Growing Good Toolkit:
- Backed by three years of research and developed for all churches.
- Flexible, practical and easy to use, each session lasts around 90 mins.
- Use online or in person.
- Comes with a Facilitator Guide to help you get started.
- Offers reflection on scripture, stories from churches and time for prayer.
- Provides take-away actions you can implement straight away.
- Recognises and celebrates the contribution churches are already making in their communities.
Sign up today to access all the resources including session guides, case study films, tips for group leaders and more. We will send you regular updates about Growing Good and the Church Urban Fund, including how you can get involved and the difference your support is making.

You can unsubscribe at any time by contacting us The Foundry, 17 Oval Way, London, SE11 5RR, emailing, or calling us on 0203 752 5655 or by clicking the unsubscribe link in any email we send you. For more information please visit our privacy policy.
Ideas for using Growing Good during Lent
- Some churches use sessions 1-5 during Lent and then come together after Easter to focus on the next steps in session 6.
- One church that used Growing Good during Lent 2022 were inspired by the session on Presence and sent Easter cards to all the small businesses in their parish.
- Some churches put the theme of ‘hospitality’ into practice by starting their sessions with a simple meal of soup and bread.
- Get your group moving, and get to know your local area, by organising a prayer walk between sessions.
Use the button below to download an overview of the Growing Good Toolkit.